Treating Your Bunions

You might not think of your feet too often, but when something goes wrong with them, they are hard to ignore. Bunions are one of the many things that can go wrong and lead to a great deal of pain and suffering. However, they can be successfully treated. Learn more about this issue and how a podiatrist can help in the guide below from Dr. Anthony Lo, Dr. Rodney G. Yen, and the team at Podiatry Associates Northwest of Bellevue, Seattle, Issaquah, and Redmond, WA. 

The Basics of Bunions 

At the base of your toe is the MTP or the metatarsophalangeal joint. It connects the toe to the foot. Like other joints and bones of the body, this joint can become misaligned, which affects the position of the toe. Instead of pointing forward, the toe will lean toward the other toes, and the base of the toe will point outward. This allows shoes to rub against the area and form a bump that is often painful and inflamed. This bump is a bunion.

Bunion Treatment and Relief 

The key to successfully treating a bunion is to determine what caused the joint to become misaligned. Sometimes, it is simply the structure of the foot or foot mechanics. Other times, it is because the shoes you wear don’t provide proper space for the toes or the proper support for your unique needs. 

No matter the underlying cause, understanding it plays an integral role in treatment. In most mild to moderate cases, your podiatrist will recommend conservative measures that will both address the underlying cause and your symptoms. These steps might include: 

  • Icing the area to fight any inflammation. 
  • Changing footwear to something with a wider toe box and more support. 
  • Using orthotics to provide customized support. 
  • Changing or adjusting activities. 
  • Taking more breaks if you work on your feet. 
  • Wearing splints while you sleep to improve toe joint alignment. 
  • Targeted exercises to improve alignment and joint mobility, as well as strengthen and stretch the toe. 

For most people, such methods will provide the necessary relief. However, in more severe cases, surgical approaches are available to remove the bunion and correct toe joint alignment. 

Find relief from your bunions by visiting Dr. Lo and Dr. Yen at Podiatry Associates Northwest in Bellevue, Seattle, Issaquah, and Redmond, WA. Call (206) 420-3119 to schedule an appointment today.

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  • "Dr. Lo is practical and efficient but also extremely good at what he does. He’s improved my feet tremendously!"
    Happy Patient